These are two of our success stories. Lara Olsen is the adaptive diver on the left, and Laura Jeanne is the adaptive diver on the right. Neither has use of their legs, but both are advanced open-water certified divers who use the help of specially trained adaptive buddies to get through the water when needed. Both love the freedom of movement and relief of getting out of the wheelchairs that they both use.
Adapt-Able Foundation
Adapt-Able Foundation
We are the Adaptable Foundation, but our name is Adapt-Able (with a hyphen) because we bring together the adaptive and able-bodied communities to experience the magic and freedom of scuba diving. Our participants have cerebral palsy, MS, PTSD, TBIs, and almost any other cognitive, developmental, or physical challenge you can think of. If a doctor approves, we will find a way to get them in the water.
Our mission goes beyond the extraordinary. We aim to open up a world of possibilities for people who may have yet to consider the therapeutic benefits of scuba diving, let alone just getting in the water. These are individuals whose doctors, caregivers, parents, and others have told them, “Well, you just can’t do that.” KELLI: Yes, they can, and we believe very few people cannot with the help of specially trained divers. So, why not?