Alzheimer's of Central Alabama

Alzheimer's of Central Alabama

Comments from Caretgivers
Photo Caption
Good times at McCoy Adult Day Care.
Photo Credit
Vance Holder

The following are comments from families with loved ones on and Alzheimer’s of Central Alabama Adult Day Care scholarship of $300 per month:

From the brother and caregiver of a client:

“Stephane is continuing to attend McCoy Adult Day Care from Monday through Friday each week. She continues to enjoy the activities and the social environment. She looks forward to going to McCoy every day and we never have a problem with her getting up in the morning.
Thanks again for all your support!

From the brother and caregiver of a client:

“The month of November 2023, my brother Jerry Watts attended South Highland Adult Day Care all 19 days the center was open. The Thanksgiving holiday break threw him off his schedule though.

It is amazing how my brother's countenance is lifted up when he walks into the center. He is first greeted with a warm welcome. That's a big deal to him. He then shows a big grin to the staff members. This assures me I can go on and handle what I need to do that day with a peace of mind. Thank you for your financial support and mindful encouragement knowing I am not alone in dealing with this situation. It helps me and him a lot! Enjoy the next upcoming holiday season.”

From the daughter of a client:

Happy New Year!!! Mom is continuing to enjoy her time at Highlands. We look forward to a great year.

Alzheimer's of Central Alabama
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