Cholera in Lusaka—Our Work Continues
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Cholera in Lusaka—Our Work Continues
Photo Credit
Alissa Everett/Getty Images for CMMB/Kenya

This cholera outbreak in Lusaka hits particularly close to home—it is directly in a community where we are active, and the deaths and illnesses are impacting the people we serve.

Batuke Walusiku-Mwewa, CMMB’s country lead in Zambia, shares: “I received a phone call at 5:30 on Monday morning, from a member of the community. She was barely audible, saying she had diarrhea and was being taken to the clinic in Mtendere. She was home later that day feeling better, but only after 10 pints of rehydrating drips. It’s real. Cholera hits within 24 hours and can be fatal within that time.”

With your support, CMMB is equipping community health workers in Lusaka, and around the world, to save lives by educating individuals about cholera symptoms, response, and prevention.

Sadly, this is not the first time our global staff has had to respond to an emergency like this. Early in 2023, a cholera outbreak affected a community where we work in Haiti. From January through September 2023, CMMB-trained health workers visited over 36,000 households and educated nearly 125,000 people—distributing water purification tablets, soap, and oral rehydration salts. These lifesaving measures helped slow and eventually contain this deadly outbreak.

In Lusaka and other communities we work in around the world, your gift helps us deliver critical supplies and spread knowledge, both proven to prevent disease and reduce death.

“We are grateful for all the efforts that are being made for us to respond to the fight against cholera and beyond!” – Batuke Walusiku-Mwewa

Access to Clean Water is Lifechanging

[music begins]
Images: CMMB logo, script reading “Healthier Lives Worldwide”
Every mother, everywhere, wants her child to grow up healthy.
Images: Mother holding a child
But tragically, 5 million children under age 5 died in 2021 alone.
Images: A group of children, a child smiling, a child being held
Inspired by faith, CMMB’s mission is health and human dignity for all.
Images: Children receiving care from CMMB physicians
We provide access to quality healthcare and solutions for a sustainable future in some of the most remote places on earth.
Images: CMMB physicians administering vaccines, CMMB employee teaching a group of community members
The impact in Kenya has been life-changing.
Images: Smiling mothers holding their children
And 196k community members had better access to clean, safe water and sanitation.
Images: A community member washing their hands
Thanks to supporters like you, we are able to deliver the promise of health,
Images: Children being held, a father kissing a child’s head
bringing it to more people, in more places, for healthier lives worldwide.
Images: Children playing, CMMB employee shaking hands with a community member, parents walking holding their child
Text: Help provide clean, safe water to mothers and children in countries like Kenya, Zambia, and South Sudan.
Images: Script written on blank screen
[music ends]
Images: CMMB logo, script reading: “Healthier Lives Worldwide”, “Donate Now”

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