When women walk through the doors at CFLS, they are ready to create their own paths and write their own stories. They believe they are made for more than what they have lived. In this milestone, they are getting their feet set, gathering the tools, and surrounding themselves with the people they need to succeed.
Once women believe in themselves and uncover their intrinsic worth, they are ready to begin rooting, or stabilizing, in their community. Through this milestone, they are reaching security with safe housing and consistent income. They are beginning to rebuild their lives renewed.
Now there is firm ground for them to stand on, they can begin dreaming boldly. They are making plans and setting goals. They are discovering their talents and actualizing them. They are establishing the families they always wanted.
All the steppingstones before build this intricate and beautiful fortress that is their new self with their realized visions. This is the milestone reached where they are self-sufficient and thriving.
Marlene Believing -
J'Mia Grounding and Dreaming -
Diane Becoming -