Creating Healthier Communities

Creating Healthier Communities

Transforming Maternity Care
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Helping Families Thrive
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As evidence of maternal health disparities continue to mount, showing consistently higher rates of death and pregnancy complications for Black and Indigenous populations, women in the communities most affected are rallying together to build safer systems of care. By increasing access to comprehensive, individualized care in low-income communities, CHC: Creating Healthier Communities and local partners aim to prove that disparities are a function of delivery system design, not demographics. It’s a distinctly collectivist approach that is uniting providers, public health experts, and community residents around a common goal: helping families thrive.

CHC 2024 Campaign Video_CFC


Hi, I'm Doctor Jean Axios, President and CEO at CHC Creating Healthier Communities.


0 minutes 6 seconds

And today I'm here to say thank you for making our work possible.


0 minutes 9 seconds

From cancer care to food insecurity and through programs like our maternal health initiative, our work with our community partners is bringing us one step closer to a world where every person in every community has an opportunity to live their healthiest life.


0 minutes 22 seconds

We partner with generous organizations like yours across the country.


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We see the ripple effect of this incredible investment in communities.


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For example, $1.00 a week supplies a family with a first 100 day kit that includes information about autism and resources to help navigate a new diagnosis.


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Just $10 a week provides domestic airfare for a child facing cancer to travel to Saint Jude Children's Research Hospital for treatment.


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Every dollar raised in these campaigns goes to trusted nonprofits to address unmet needs in our communities.


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So make your pledge today.


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We look forward to the amazing impact we can make in 2025 together.

Creating Healthier Communities
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