Diabetes Research & Wellness Foundation
Diabetes Research & Wellness Foundation
On screen, picture of women eating an apple, with DRWF logo and CFC logo: Diabetes Research & Wellness Foundation “Staying Healthy Until a Cure is Found”
On screen are the words, Join us to combat this life-threatening disease through supporting research, programs and providing educational materials
On screen are the words, Research with DRWF’s logo (to the side) and three pictures of doctors working in different labs with bullet points that say,
• Islet cell transplantation studies at the Joslin Diabetes Center and the Spring Point Program for islet cell transplantation research at the Schulze Diabetes Institute.
• Immune system monitoring of islet cell transplants at the Diabetes Research Institute.
• Research of genetic causes of kidney disease studies at the Joslin Diabetes Center.
On screen are the words, Programs with DRWF’s logo (to the side) and three pictures, one of a women’s eyes being examined, a picture of a diabetes necklace, and 6 people posing for the picture with bullet points that say,
• Free Retinopathy Screening program at the Johns Hopkins’ Wilmer Eye Institute.
• Free Necklace Program: provide more than 950,000 necklaces to patients nationwide.
• Diabetes Summits: conduct several lecture series featuring renowned scientists on the latest studies and developments on diabetes and islet cell transplantation.
On screen are the words, Publications with DRWF’s logo (to the side) and pictures of booklets with bullet points that say,
• Diabetes Educational Brochures, free download on our website or by request.
• Diabetes Wellness News Online
• Quarterly monthly pocket diary by request
• Continue vital research
• Keep and maintain programs free to the diabetic community
• Maintain accessibility of diabetes educational materials.
With pictures of two people smiling at the camera and a free made out of pictures of hands
On screen are the words, Our Mission and DRWF logo (to the side) then the words, To help find the cure for diabetes, and until that goal is achieved, to provide the care and skill needed to combat the life-threatening complications caused
On screen are the words, Our Mission and DRWF logo (to the side) then the words, To give through CFC and help DRWF find a cure, as well as provide programs that help many diabetics in your community and abroad
On screen is the CFC logo and DRWF logo with the words, Please designate #11629 for the Combined Federal Campaign www.diabeteswellness.net