Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)


What is the EFF?

The Electronic Frontier Foundation is a team of lawyers, technologists, policy professionals, and activists who fight to ensure technology enhances your civil liberties. Our mission is to protect your rights to free expression, privacy, and innovation online.

EFF calls out--and will even sue--governments and companies that illegally spy on you, we develop software and privacy guides to keep you safe online, and we work with lawmakers to pass laws that allow you to do things like repair the devices you own.

Government employees like yourself have a tremendous impact on the shape of our democracy and the future of civil liberties and human rights online. EFF is a member supported nonprofit organization, and you can support our work by using our CFC ID 10437 when you make a pledge today!

Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)
CFC Number

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