Elephant and Whale Protectors

Elephant and Whale Protectors

Elephant and Whale Protectors / Environmental Investigation Agency
Photo Caption
Mobile phone registration of a harvested tree in Gabon
Photo Credit
EIA (Environmental Investigation Agency)

The Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) US was born out of an investigation uncovering illegal ivory trade flows from Africa to Asia, exposing the illicit network exploiting elephants for profit. Since that initial investigation, EIA has expanded beyond the wildlife campaign, tackling climate change, illegal logging, and exploitative resource extraction. Utilizing campaign expertise, data analysis, undercover investigations and cutting-edge technology, EIA is a leader in the fight for environmental protections.

EIA has successfully pioneered an only-of-its-kind transparent traceability system in Gabon and Romania, and soon to be in Liberia, where timber can be tracked to its tree of origin, transforming the entire timber supply chain. The implementation, as well as training and support, empowers companies, governments, local communities, civil society, and the public to combat forest crime and govern forests more equitably.

One of the major successes of EIA’s work in pioneering this technology is Gabon’s transition to a national timber tracing system. In partnership with EIA, Gabon has set a global precedent for fighting corruption and protecting forests. Over a decade, Romania has demonstrated that real-time public transparency of timber transports and harvest data can support legal forest management, creating a blueprint for the rest of the EU as it seeks to curb illegal deforestation.

EIA plans to conduct international outreach and advocacy efforts to promote the adoption of these transparent traceability systems by producer countries. Your contributions enable us to continue pioneering innovative solutions, empowering communities, and advocating for change.

Elephant and Whale Protectors

We got a lot done over the past year at EIA.
We exposed the ways unethical companies can cause harm
from releasing emissions into the air we breathe

to adding toxic compounds into cosmetic products.

We've held world leaders accountable for being better stewards of our world’s forests

and protecting the animals that share our home.
Imagine what more we can achieve with your support...
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Elephant and Whale Protectors
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