Enough Is Enough

Enough Is Enough

Internet Safety
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EIE emerged in 1994 as the pioneering leader on the front lines of efforts to prevent the internet-enabled exploitation of children.
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Protecting children in the digital world is the guiding force behind all of our efforts.
Technology is constantly changing. Online threats to our country’s children are constantly changing. The production, distribution and access to harmful and destructive, exploitative content is escalating exponentially, as are risks and negative impacts related to social networking, online gaming, cyberbullying and cybersecurity.

Ensuring a childhood with a protected period of innocence and a society free from sexual exploitation has been at the forefront of Enough Is Enough’s (EIE’s) campaigns, initiatives and activities for three decades.
EIE’s mission to “make the internet safer for children and families” is carried out by raising public awareness about the dangers of internet pornography, child sexual abuse material, sexual predation, sex trafficking and cyberbullying, and offering preventative solutions. Combatting these threats involves a shared responsibility between the public, corporate America, the government, and faith communities each doing its part to protect children online.
Since the dawn of the internet, no child has been immune to its dangers. Children both intentionally and accidentally have free access to all types of unregulated internet pornography – and sexual predators have easy and anonymous access to vulnerable kids. Predators prey where kids play: as the internet evolves and social media outlets continue to explode in popularity, new dangers continue to emerge.
Smartphones, tablets, computers, gaming and other internet-enabled devices allow for unprecedented access to children; ineffective device safeguards and little to no “Big Tech” accountability puts them at even greater risk of harm or exploitation.

The first line of defense to protect children online falls on parents and caregivers, who are often ill-equipped, uninformed or too overwhelmed to address protecting kids in the evolving digital age.
The devastating impact of these dangers on children and families led to a public outcry to say in a collective and powerful voice, “Enough Is Enough!”
EIE has brought awareness, vigilance and dedication to protecting children and families – from the halls of Congress to family rooms across America – by raising national awareness and developing effective initiatives and educational platforms. EIE has brought together champions of the cause, spawning hundreds of other like-minded organizations and inspired dedicated partners to join us in this fight.
EIE engages with corporations and “Big Tech” to expand its policies to safeguard children, and with state and federal policymakers to achieve wide-ranging, generational impact. EIE harnesses the power of mass media outreach to educate, inform and influence – and with our partners, seeks to reframe these issues as public health crises that impacts every person in our country.
In every thought, in every action, EIE believes in a world in which children can more safely explore the vast resources available to them on the internet. We stand steadfast and strong as we face the future. It is our great hope that you will choose to stand with us.

Enough Is Enough Overview

In 1994, Enough Is Enough, a non-profit organization, emerged as the national leader on the frontlines of efforts to protect kids from internet pornography and sexual predators. Since then, Enough Is Enough has pioneered innovative solutions to combat these dangers and other forms of online victimization by promoting a shared responsibility for prevention, uniting the public, the technology industry, and the legal community.

Enough Is Enough President Donna Rice Hughes is an internationally renowned internet safety expert, author, and speaker. She is the host of the groundbreaking multimedia teaching series Internet Safety 101.

EIE stands for freedom of speech as defined by the Constitution of the United States, for a culture where all people are respected and valued, for a childhood with a protected age of innocence, for healthy sexuality, and for a society free from sexual exploitation.

Enough is Enough, making the internet safer for children and families.

Enough Is Enough
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