Since 1984, FINCA has been on a mission to end global poverty. In the spirit of our 40th anniversary, we have set a bold and inspiring goal: to reach more people living in poverty than ever before. Last year, FINCA impacted the lives of approximately 14 million people across Africa, Latin America, and Asia. Now, with renewed determination, FINCA strives to touch the lives of even more communities in need.
Despite promising technological advances, efforts to alleviate poverty are hampered by rising inflation, armed conflict, and other factors. Nearly 700 million people around the world, live in extreme poverty, earning less than $1.90 a day. According to The World Bank, it is unlikely to meet the goal of ending extreme poverty by 2030 without exceptionally high rates of economic growth over the remainder of this decade. It remains one of the toughest challenges of our lifetime. FINCA’s response to this reality must be both strategic and tactical. We cannot do it without your support. Will you join our movement and give to our poverty eradication programs?
Invest with us in women like Margaret Mbuthia who sells blankets and women’s shoes in Nairobi, Kenya. Mbuthia is a client of Kwara, a financial empowerment platform supported by FINCA. Through Kwara, she is able to access credit easily which she then uses to grow her business.