Time is the greatest gift we can give our dogs and cats. So often they arrive to us unsure of their place in the world. People they trusted the most let them down. Medical is often much easier than rehabilitation of the mind. Broken legs mend quickly. Broken spirits take time.
We caught mom Valerie and daughter Angie on the side of the road. They had been living there for several weeks, surviving on food dropped by kind strangers. No one could touch them, but everyone wanted to win their trust. They were beautiful, blonde Labrador/Pyrenes mixes. There aren’t many options for semi-feral dogs, so we were thankful we had space. Most rescues focus on what they can rehabilitate quickly. We are fortunate to be able to help those with no other choice.
Valerie is one of the most shut down dogs we have ever seen. She was scared to move once she arrived at the sanctuary. She wouldn’t go inside. She would hunker down in the corner of her outside pen and shake. During the cold snaps we had to get creative and filled her entire pen with straw. We changed the dog door, so it didn’t drag heavy across her back. Finally with time, she started to go inside. Each day we watched the life come back into her eyes. She may never be a traditional dog inside a home, but out here, she can join a pack of dogs and find joy and fulfillment in a space that moves at her speed. Her daughter Angie is slowly learning to trust humans. We have hope that she will one day be in a home of her own.
Netri also found sanctuary in main cattery kitchen. She was adopted and returned after seven years because of family changes. She returned angry and dejected. She didn’t want to live communally and needed her world to be a bit smaller. Staff moved her into main cattery kitchen where she has lived ever since. As she aged, she developed terrible stomatitis that we have treated with teeth removal and medication. She also has allergies that require prescription food. Each week the staff gently washes and cleans her face and paws. Staff dote on her daily giving her a full life of care and understanding.
These stories of long-term care are only possible because of your support. From the moment they cross those front gates, we commit to them no matter what it takes. We are thankful to the sponsors who pledged annual support to help residents like Valerie, Angie and Netri.