Friends of DHA

Friends of DHA

Five Programming Focuses of the Friends of DHA
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Five Programming Focuses
Photo Credit
Denver Housing Authority

Visual image identifying the five program focuses of the Friends of DHA: Aging in Place, Economic Self-Sufficiency, Community Building, Digital Inclusion, and Youth Development.

One Minute Friends of DHA Video

We provide critical services and support residents to build their financial capacity.
Over a quarter of our population that DHA serves are older adults and people living with disabilities.
Healthy living programing supports these individuals age in place without assistance and reduce their social isolation.
Giving communities access to low cost, healthy food and supporting the mental and physical well-being for our residents of all ages.
Equitable access to digital technologies is essential for participation in social and economic life, including education, access to social services, health and community participation.
We aim to ensure all residents have affordable tech devices, high speed Wi-Fi and the knowledge on how to use these devices to begin breaking down digital barriers.
The heart of all our programing is community engagement. It is so important to build trust with residents through one-on-one case management and community events so they are able to make progress in challenging areas such as finances, education, digital literacy and health.

Friends of DHA
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