Veronika is 11 years old and lives in Ukraine. Her mother died several years ago, and she has no father. When Veronika was less than two years old, her leg was severely burned due to her mother's neglect. When she was taken to intensive care, the doctors didn't believe that she would survive, but she did! Veronika was sent to an orphanage and did not receive any treatment for six years. However, when she was 7, she was placed with a foster family, and they took her to the Children's Burn Center. Within the past four years, Veronika has had four surgeries, but the process is very long and challenging. She will need many more surgeries in the future. Frontier Horizon donors have stepped in to facilitate Veronika's most recent surgery and have committed to assist with future surgeries and rehabilitation.
Frontier Horizon
Frontier Horizon
Each year, Orphan Children’s Fund sponsors the basic needs of thousands of orphan and impoverished children.
This includes assistance with food, education, basic medical needs, and medical visas to the US for emergency care.
Each year, we lead short-term youth and adult mission trips to orphanages in Nicaragua and Ukraine.
Every Christmas, our organization partners with churches, businesses, and individuals to purchase gifts for children.
We also run a hosting program that allows orphaned children the opportunity to travel to the US. The goals are sponsorship and adoption. In nineteen years, hundreds of children have been adopted.
Please join us and make a difference in changing the life of one child at a time.