In rural southern Haiti, access to quality healthcare remains a significant challenge, especially in the aftermath of the 2021 earthquake. Through Hope for Haiti’s mobile clinics, our Public Health team has worked tirelessly to provide healthcare services to underserved populations for over five years. For Vila Pradet (pictured right), mobile clinics have been truly life changing. At 54 years old, Vila resides in Baradères. Her life took a devastating turn when her home was destroyed during the 2021 earthquake, forcing her family to live in a tent. In November of the same year, Vila’s health began to deteriorate. Weight loss and persistent itching became daily struggles, likely exacerbated by the stress of her situation and the financial difficulties her family faced.
Determined to seek medical help, Vila embarked on a challenging journey to a hospital in a distant town. She managed to gather the funds for transportation and consultation fees despite her limited means, and received the life-altering news that she has diabetes and high blood pressure. Sadly, the financial burden of ongoing care and medication proved overwhelming for Vila. She was only able to purchase metformin in small quantities, so she resorted to makeshift remedies, such as tea infusions, and self-medicating with aloe vera. Unsurprisingly, her condition failed to improve, leaving her desperate for a long-term solution. At the insistence of a neighbor, Vila decided to attend a Hope for Haiti mobile clinic in her community, where she received free treatment and a month’s supply of medication for her high blood pressure and diabetes. She also underwent a free cervical cancer screening, a test she had previously had to pay for at two other healthcare facilities. Vila was delighted to learn that the screen was negative. She was also invited to attend weekly Diabetes Club meetings at Hope for Haiti’s Infirmary St. Etienne.
“Your help and support mean a lot to the community of Baradères,” said Vila. “I am extremely grateful, as I could not have afforded this life-saving care. Thanks to the mobile clinic team, I have all the medication and information I need to manage my health.”