Humanity & Inclusion

Humanity & Inclusion

Prabin Fitted with New Artificial Limb in Nepal
Photo Caption
Prabin playing soccer with his new aritificial limb.
Photo Credit
© A. Thapa / HI

Born without the lower part of his right leg, Prabin's prosthesis has changed his life.

Prabin was just 1 year old when his family was first referred to Humanity & Inclusion. He was the youngest child to ever receive an artificial limb at the Community Based Rehabilitation Center in Biratnagar, HI's local partner. He visits the center regularly to for his device to be repaired or replaced. For growing children, new prosthesis are needed routinely.

Prabin, 6, is full of energy and the life and soul of his classroom at school. He’s also the fastest runner and the highest jumper at playtime.

These activities are made possible with support from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

Celebrating 40+ years of Humanity & Inclusion

[music begins]
Images: HI employees providing rehabilitative medical care for children
Text: For over 40 years, Humanity & Inclusion’s teams have been working tirelessly to ensure that people
Images: A child stacking blocks, two girls laughing
Text: in vulnerable situations are never left behind.
Images: Boy holding soccer ball looking out window
In 2023, your donations helped to support more than 2.5 million people.
Images: A baby playing with a toy
Text: More than 500,000 people received rehabilitation care.
Images: A child wearing a leg prosthetic smiling
Text: Thanks to you, more than 400,000 children with disabilities have returned to school.
Images: A student reading from a notebook at a desk
Text: Nearly 1,000 acres of land contaminated by mines and explosive remnants of war have been safely returned to local communities.
Images: A HI employee sifting through grasses
Text: When earthquakes struck in Morocco, Afghanistan, Syria and Türkiye, our teams were working alongside the victims within the first few hours.
Images: A fly over of the destruction of collapsed buildings and rubble
Text: Faced with climate change in the Sahel, the Philippines and many other countries,
Images: A dry, deserted landscape
Text: Our teams continue to support the people most at risk.
Images: A tropical storm blowing through trees
Text: HI teams provided supplies and psychological support to victims of indiscriminate bombing.
Images: HI team unloading a truck full of supplies
Text: We continue to stand by the people of Ukraine and, more recently, Gaza, helping civilians in need, especially children.
Images: Children playing in a circle with a parachute toy
Text: Thank you so much for your support. Your generosity has changed lives.
Images: Two children playing with a soccer ball, a child running toward the camera smiling
Text: We hope you’ll continue to be part of our journey in 2024!
Images: Humanity and Inclusion’s logo
[music ends]

Humanity & Inclusion
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