I-ASC (International Association for Spelling as Communication)

I-ASC (International Association for Spelling as Communication)

Ava's Story
Photo Caption
Ava Guardado

I look back on my quest to communicate with others and cannot express enough the gift and freedom Spelling to Communicate (S2C) has given me. I was locked inside my own body for a long time. I tried my best to converse and share my thoughts with my family, friends, and educators, but to no avail. The words I tried to express vocally would not come from my mouth. I am a non-speaker diagnosed with apraxia and autism. My parents spent a lot of time finding the best treatments for me, and though they were helpful, they were unable to unlock my voice completely.

I thought this would be my life, trapped in my own thoughts and not able to share them with those around me. It was not until we discovered S2C through a family friend. I was filled with gratitude and joy as I experienced my first session spelling on a letter board. I knew without a doubt that this was what I was hoping for to express all of my knowledge to the world.

Spelling to Communicate had unlocked the pathway for me to be heard. Spelling to Communicate has introduced me to a community of non-speakers like myself, opportunities to speak publicly around the world, and, most importantly, the ability to communicate with my family, friends, and educators. It is a privilege to share my experience with you in hopes that it brings awareness to this spelling community.

- Ava Guardado

The Mission of I-ASC

There are more than 26 Million nonspeaking people around the world, many of whom do not have an effective and reliable means of communication.

That’s got to CHANGE.

We are I-ASC.

The mission of I-ASC is to increase communication globally for nonspeaking people, which includes people who are minimally and unreliably speaking through training, education, advocacy, and research.

We’re an organization that is informed and led by nonspeaking individuals. We’re made up of practitioners, their families, allied professionals, and all those who want to support nonspeaking people and ensure that they have a voice.

The need to communicate is a human need, and we believe it’s a human right.

I-ASC (International Association for Spelling as Communication)
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