International Orthodox Christian Charities, Inc.

International Orthodox Christian Charities, Inc.

Overcoming Severe Drought and Locust Infestation in Ethiopia
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Since receiving support through IOCC’s desert locust resilience project, Woynshet has been able to successfully produce her mung bean crop and buy food for her family.
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International Orthodox Christian Charities (

Woynshet is a 35-year-old mother of three. She and her family live in Ethiopia’s Amhara region, which has experienced four failed rainy seasons—contributing to an extended and severe drought. Adding to the difficult conditions, an infestation of desert locusts in 2020—the worst in Ethiopia in 25 years, according to the UNFAO—devastated farmers’ crops, causing extreme damage with a long-lasting impact on food supply.

The locusts destroyed Woynshet’s crops, leaving her family without food or a source of income. Hoping to provide for her family, she tried working as a day laborer, “but the money was too little to feed my family,” she said.

Then one day, the local agriculture expert brought good news. “He told me that I was selected to benefit from IOCC’s cash support. I was very happy, and when I received the money, I immediately bought some food for my family.”

Now able to feed her children, Woynshet invested the rest of her money back into her farm. She bought improved seed and fertilizer for her mung bean crop. She hired laborers to plow her land. And her mung beans—intermixed with sorghum—are growing well and are expected to provide a good yield.

Woynshet is very grateful to IOCC. “If it weren’t for IOCC’s support,” she said, “I could not have produced this crop. Now I am very happy and satisfied when I visit my crop. My kids will not be hungry and will be able to attend their lessons properly.”

Woynshet’s family was one of more than 600 households who received support through IOCC’s desert locust response and resilience project, enabling these families to buy what they need when they need it. In addition, IOCC delivered crop and vegetable seeds to nearly 500 households. Six communities that had suffered from the locust infestations received fruit tree seedlings, small banana trees, and seeds for forage trees and grass.

IOCC has been active in Ethiopia since 2003, providing support in the Tigray and Amhara regions, and helping to treat and educate Ethiopians facing podoconiosis. As needs continue, so the work grows to help families and communities build resilience for the future.

Responding in Ukraine

An enormous humanitarian crisis is unfolding before our very eyes in Ukraine.
Images: Rubble in a Ukrainian city
People are being forced to flee from their homes and overwhelming border crossings as they try to stay safe.
Images: A person walking with a suitcase at the train station
We are on the ground coordinating with local churches and partner agencies. With and through them, IOCC is delivering emergency supplies to welcome centers and surrounding countries who are receiving refugees.
Images: International Orthodox Christian Charities workers coordinating supplies
We are also working with partners to provide the basics for survival like food, water, hygiene items, and sleeping bags for delivery to people in Ukraine.
Images: A man stands in front of shelfs full of supplies
The needs are great. Your prayers and your gifts are critical as we plan our short and long term response to this crisis in the spirit of Christ's love.
Images: A hand holds places a candle with many other lit candles
Please visit Ukraine 2022 to send your urgent help to the people of Ukraine.
Images: is written on a blank screen
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International Orthodox Christian Charities, Inc.
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