Muslim Response USA for Relief and Development
Muslim Response USA for Relief and Development
Assalamu Alykum Wa Rehmatullahe Wa Barakatohu: This is your brother in Islam – Yasir Qadhi. A man came to the Prophet SAW and said: ‘Ya Rasul Allah! My mother passed away; what charity can I do on her behalf that will benefit her the most?’ Our Prophet SAW said dig a well on her behalf; dig a well so that people can be given the water, and all the reward will go to her’. So, one of the greatest acts of charity for those who are living and for those who have passed on is to create sources of pure, clean water for people in need. Brothers and sisters! one of the organizations that is doing this is Muslim Response USA for Relief and Development. Alhamdulillah: this organization has the opportunity for you to be able to give water for those in need. If you give $200, you can contribute to creating an entire Water Well and for $500, you can sponsor a Water Hand Pump that will feed many hundreds if not thousands of people. Please, brothers & sisters, donate generously towards Muslim Response USA’s relief projects for water.