National CASA/GAL Association for Children (National Court Appointed Special Advocate Association)

National CASA/GAL Association for Children (National Court Appointed Special Advocate Association)

CASA Volunteer Reunites Teen with Siblings
Photo Caption
CASA volunteer Angela with teen Courtney
Photo Credit
National CASA/GAL Association

Angela*, a Court Appointed Special Advocate® (CASA®) volunteer from CASA of Sedgwick County located in Wichita, KS, was appointed to advocate for Courtney*, a 13-year-old who had been in the foster care system for 2.5 years. Courtney was separated from her from her three siblings, moved from placement to placement, and experienced constant professional turnover. Amidst the extreme instability she experienced, Courtney began to exhibit behaviors that affected every aspect of her life. Angela, her CASA volunteer, was able to build a rapport with the teen and gain her trust. Since being assigned a CASA volunteer, Courtney has received additional education services – she ended the school year on the honor roll, was placed in a foster home with two of her siblings where she has been stable for five months, has visitation with her third sibling and two of her aunts, and participates in weekly individual and family therapy.

Angela helped Courtney learn to regulate her emotions and find joy in her hobbies and connections with other people. The following is a message Courtney sent to her CASA volunteer Angela, “I don’t know if I ever told you this, but you are amazing and funny and such an awesome person. I can’t explain how much you mean to me. You are like an amazing older sister/friend. I don’t know who I would be if I didn’t meet you because you have made such a huge yet great impact on my life. I know this is kind of random, but I just felt like telling you this because it is true, and you do mean a lot to me. You are so amazing and don’t let anyone tell you different!”

*Names have been changed to protect privacy. Image is not of actual subjects.

Instability - Change a Child's Story(TM)

I had to leave my parents.
I had to move schools.
I don't know anyone here.
Everything keeps changing.
Why is this happening to me?
I'm sure glad you're here.
Change a child's story.
There's a child in foster care waiting for a volunteer like you.
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National CASA/GAL Association for Children (National Court Appointed Special Advocate Association)
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