Operation Smile, Inc.

Operation Smile, Inc.

Meet Ake
Photo Caption
Ake Before & After
Photo Credit
Operation Smile

On a day that is intended to bring a family joy, the birth of Akekapop “Ake” was met with unforeseen sadness. Ake was born with a cleft condition.

His parents were rice and cassava farmers. They neither expected his cleft lip nor knew how to treat it. Samai, Ake’s father, thought his son would be subject to painful bullying, fearing that Ake would develop an inferiority complex. With many misconceptions surrounding cleft in low-income countries, members of his family believed that a cleft condition was bad luck. Yet, it wasn’t long before Ake’s family discovered Operation Smile Thailand. Following their bus ride to reach the surgical program site, Ake and his family met more parents and children affected by cleft. These interactions helped make them feel more confident that Operation Smile would take care of their son. Prior to his surgery, Ake’s family rarely took photos of him. Today, Samai and his wife said they proudly take many photos of him and his new smile.

Samai attributes his son’s happiness to the medical volunteers who devote their time and skills to changing the lives of children like his son so that they can be treated with kindness and accepted by their communities.

When asked if he wanted to say anything to Operation Smile, Samai said, “I was very happy that Operation Smile Thailand had a mission to provide free surgery. Earlier, I was very worried. Now, Ake got surgery and he’s very happy. He would like to say thanks to medical volunteers and the Operation Smile team who help create smiles for Thai kids.”

Dilan’s Story

[music begins]
Sandy speaks in Spanish:
I only saw him for a while, but since his mouth was small it was not very noticeable.
Images: Dilan and his mother Sandy embracing
He opened his mouth and I realized that he had something wrong with his lip. I was the first to notice.
Images: Sandy looks at pictures of Dilan as a baby with a cleft lip, photo of Dilan with his cleft lip.
I started crying and crying and crying, because I felt sad about how my baby was born.
Images: Sandy speaks to the camera
I went to Operation Smile because a friend had a baby with a cleft lip and palate.
Images: Outside view of the clinic. Operation Smile workers running the clinic
When she took me and I went to the facilities, I stayed there. I felt good, I felt confident, welcomed by all.
Images: Mothers entering the clinic with their babies, mothers listening to Operation Smile representatives talking, Sandy speaking to the camera.
They’re very amazing and kind people who love what they do.
Images: Operation Smile workers hold smiling babies, Operation Smile physicians talking to children
I’d never hesitate to tell any mothers who have their child like this to come here. All my life I will be grateful. All my life. I don’t have the words.
Images: A doctor dances with a child, photo of Dilan with his cleft lip and him after
Dilan speaks in Spanish:
My name is Dilan. I am three years old. Let’s play ball.
Images: Dilan speaks to the camera, image fades to the Operation Smile logo
Text: To learn more about the effects of cleft conditions and why cleft care is essential, sign up for our email newsletter at operationsmile.org/email
[music ends]

Operation Smile, Inc.
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