PACT (ECPAT USA End Child Prostitution Child Pornography and Trafficking)

PACT (ECPAT USA End Child Prostitution Child Pornography and Trafficking)

The Value of PACT’s Human Trafficking Training
Photo Caption
Girl sitting in an airplane.
Photo Credit
Killian Pham

PACT (formerly ECPAT-USA) partners with the American Hotel & Lodging Association (AHLA) to administer an e-learning program on human trafficking training for all members of staff of participating hotels and hospitality companies. In October 2022, Brad Schumacher, VP of Strategic Partnerships of Encore, who had completed this training, boarded United Airlines flight UA221, and helped to change a life; based on the knowledge about the indicators of human trafficking that he had acquired. Read his testimony below:

I was boarding an 11pm red eye on my way to attend a conference when I spotted a very confused and scared looking passenger boarding the plane. She was young and extremely anxious when approached by anyone who offered to assist her. After personally trying to communicate in various manners while helping find her seat, there were many signs that made it abundantly clear something was off. After collecting my thoughts for a moment, I knew I had to alert the flight crew. I walked to the cockpit and shared the industry that I worked in and my observations based on training experience.

To no surprise, one of the flight attendants jumped in and said she felt the exact same way. It was at that moment, that things got set into motion. The flight was immediately delayed and United Airlines started to work through their processes. After a while of conversing, they brought a team on and removed the passenger. I anxiously waited to see if she would return. She did not.

After another 30 min or so, they closed the cabin door and we were on our way.

Shortly after we were airborne, the flight attendant summoned me to the front and updated me on the outcome. It was confirmed the woman was being trafficked! Once they were able to speak to her she broke down and admitted everything. Words cannot describe how I felt in that moment.

A big reminder to everyone in the travel/hospitality industry that this stuff is real and happening every day right in front of our staff. If you see something, PLEASE say something.


[music plays]
Image: Colorful background graphics
We were first born as ECPAT USA
Image: Timeline from 2000s-2020s
Over 30 years ago.
Image: Colorful background graphics
But our mission has never changed to protect all children from trafficking.
So we've been reborn as PACT.
Image: PACT logo
Image: Colorful background graphics
Our new name is a renewal of our commitment to end sexual exploitation and trafficking for every child. Our new look and feel honors each survivor.
Our colors reflect their inner beauty.
Image: Color palette of PACT
Our imagery shows their humanity. Our words amplify their voice. We don't ask for pity. We ask you to step up, be bold, and turn empathy into action. This is our PACT. We are PACT.
[music fades]
Image: PACT logo

PACT (ECPAT USA End Child Prostitution Child Pornography and Trafficking)
CFC Number

Charity Type