Refugees International

Refugees International

Global Voices for Rights and Refuge.
Photo Caption
Afruza, a Rohingya woman leader, who lives in the refugee mega-camp in Bangladesh.
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Refugees International

Refugees International is dedicated to creating a more welcoming world for people seeking refuge. Our experts work with partners around the world to investigate the challenges displaced people face, develop policy solutions, mobilize action, and hold the powerful to account.

Refugees International is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization (tax-ID: 52-1224516). We do not accept government or UN funding, enabling us to speak freely and independently. Your gift to RI supports our work to advance the rights and safety of the more than 100 million people displaced worldwide – people like the young woman in this photo, taken by one of our Advocates while conducting research with Rohingya refugees in Cox's Bazaar, Bangladesh.

Refugees International
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