Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee

Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee

A Time to Give Thanks
Photo Caption
Mobile Market Program, November 20, 2023
Photo Credit
Pearce Barringer

A Time to Give Thanks
Edgehill Mobile Market
Jonathan expressed heartfelt gratitude for the mobile market because it travels to his community. With no local grocery store and the nearest one over two miles away, Jonathan says the mobile market is crucial for those without transportation. He is especially thankful during Thanksgiving week. He has a big meal planned with his family but can’t afford to spend more on food than usual. Jonathan plans to use the sweet potatoes received from the mobile market for a Thanksgiving dish for his family.

“Today’s a good day. People can come out and get food. People who couldn't get food. It's good for the community because we don’t have a grocery store here. You had to go more than two miles away. For people like me, that’s hard.”
“I live in the area. Yeah, it’s very convenient.”
“I just don't have a car, so this is very nice”
“And also, you know, it's Thanksgiving week. Something like this is helpful during this Thanksgiving week when families spend more on food than they're used to. Yes.”
“Thanksgiving is coming up, and something like this is helpful during a week when you spend more on food than you're used to.”
“I’m supposed to go to Thanksgiving with my sister. We plan on making something with the sweet potatoes we got today.”

More information about Second Harvest's Mobile Market:
Second Harvest's Mobile Market is a neighbor-centered program that brings fresh, nutritious foods into areas that are considered food deserts. Since we come directly into neighborhoods, this program alleviates many of the transportation barriers our neighbors face when accessing nutritious foods. In addition to providing nourishment, we partner with local non-profits and service providers to have on-site wraparounds available such as dental kits, diapers, SNAP application assistance, nutrition education, etc. With this program, our goal is to meet people where they are, and provide nutritious foods and other resources so all our neighbors can thrive!

Robert's Story:

I was living in Waverly. But we lost everything. The cop came to the door, and he knocked on the door and said we needed to get it because it was starting to flood. Before we could make it out the front door, my truck was underwater, and we was in water this deep. Five minutes. Five minutes. It hit. We just lost it all. God’s blessed me. And through God and all the people that are helping us, we’re making it.
Waverly will come back. God has brought us through it, and my story ain’t over with yet.
Closed captioning:
Your support is helping our Middle Tennessee neighbors, like Robert, impacted by the August 2021 flooding, receive the food and resources they need.

Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee
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