Southeastern Vet to Vet Peer Support, Inc.
Southeastern Vet to Vet Peer Support, Inc.
Three veterans give their accounts of how Southeastern Vet to Vet Peer Support, Inc. has helped them in their recovery from PTSD and their maintenance plan.
Speaker 1
Vet to Vet has helped me a lot, because when I landed in Desert Storm and got off the plane, I knew right then that my world has completely changed. And upon arriving back to the US, I had trust issues, love issues, and security issues.
Speaker 2
And then I started coming to Vet to Vet every Thursday. And now Vet to Vet is a part of my life, because when you go to Vet to Vet, you receive dignity and respect and they honor you as a veteran, and they honor all veterans.
Speaker 3
And will continue to attend weekly meetings for as long as I live. I really get a lot from each meeting. The people are able to come in and express themselves openly, honestly