Spiritual Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation Sanctuary

Spiritual Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation Sanctuary

Special Needs Wildlife deserve a Life
Photo Caption
Wildlife with Special needs
Photo Credit
Tyler the Bobcat

Autumn is a bobcat that suffers from a head trauma and seizures due to a wildlife rehab or that had no training or education on the care for Bobcats.

Wildlife with Special Needs

Welcome to Spiritual Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation Sanctuary- sponsored by Tyler the Bobcat.
Hi my name is Moon Taylor i am the founder.

I would like to introduce you to a few of the babies that you and your donation help care for!

My mission here at spiritual Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation sanctuary is to help all the Exotic and Wild, cats, wolves, foxes and coyotes, My wildlife sanctuary mission is to help out all the wildlife with special needs and to give them a life, I feel they have a right to have a life, the wildlife with special needs may never be able to be returned or survive in the wild again on their own, but at least here at my sanctuary they can still have a life. I will never turn my back on any animal due to health condition or financial.

Your monetary or gift donations from our wishlist is greatly appreciated no matter how big or small , for the generosity you show is another step to helping me save more wildlife.

If you would like to see more of our special wildlife, please follow us on Facebook as Spiritual Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation Sanctuary, Or on all of the social media as Tyler the Bobcat.

Please stay safe and continue to save the animals.

As Tyler the Bobcat say Huggs Purrs & Kisses!

Spiritual Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation Sanctuary
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