Community engagement at Sycamore & Oak in SE DC
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Engaging and informing community at Youth Entrepreneurship & STEAM Educational Fair
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STEAMPIPElines provided information and activities for the community at the Youth Entrepreneurship & STEAM Educational Fair. At the Sycamore & Oak small business center in south east DC we engaged various age groups in three careers: architecture, aerospace engineering, and forensic science. Each participant was provided with a resource packet that included information about salary and earning potential, job outlook, local companies, and professional organizations as well as education and training requirements. Volunteers explained the activities and experiments related to the career fields and discussed options to be an entrepreneur in each functional area.

STEAMPIPElines Explainer Video

In these halls, we see the future. Future Engineers. Future Scientists. Future Artists and Programmers. In these halls, we see a future shaped by talent and ambition, not the zip code you were born into. At STEAMPIPElines, we connect underrepresented communities to science technology engineering arts, and math leaders in the DC area. We partner with businesses to bring lectures mentoring and job shadowing into underserved communities. So brick by brick with your help we'll build a future where possibilities are endless for everyone because the future workforce of STEAM is right here in DC.