Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.

Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.

Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
Photo Caption
A young woman with a soft smile representing TRLA client Gloria, surrounded by winter foliage.
Photo Credit
Karina Garza, Media Editor at Texas RioGrande Legal Aid

Your donation will help us prepare for funding cuts in 2025 so that clients like Gloria* still get the help they deserve.
Her story spans just shy of a decade and begins when she was a little girl. Gloria’s family immigrated to Texas when she was very young. They found a home and started to build community. Gloria and her siblings attended school. The United States is their home.
Tragically, Gloria’s safety was compromised. A neighbor began abusing Gloria. Naturally, her family needed to report the crime and protect Gloria. There was a problem, though.
Her family’s undocumented status made seeking justice a daunting decision.
Reporting the neighbor to police might’ve brought attention to their immigration status - putting the life they spent years building at risk.For kids like Gloria, legal aid is their path to safety.
Her family contacted law enforcement, who then referred them to TRLA. Local law enforcement referred her family to Texas RioGrande Legal Aid to seek U-Visas. This special visa grants legal resident status to immigrants who have been victims of certain crimes in the US and their families.
After nearly a decade of work with TRLA advocates spanning Gloria’s childhood, her family was granted legal resident status through these visas earlier this year.
They will be able to apply for permanent residency in just a few years, and have found stability in their work, school, and home lives that was not possible before.
These types of cases will only rise in the coming years. Your donation to TRLA is vital for families like Gloria's to receive the justice and safety everyone deserves.

Texas RioGrande Legal Aid, Inc.
CFC Number

Charity Type

Cause of the Week