Thurgood Marshall College Fund

Thurgood Marshall College Fund


We Need You!

President speaking to the camera: Why you should support the Thurgood Marshall College Fund is because we are supporting you.
Students are leaving their classrooms, walking in the hallway, various shots of students speaking, working, and doing daily activities is shown on the screen: When you say you want to have diversity in your organization and you don’t know where to go
Screen showing a sign with Thurgood’s logo: well you can turn to the Thurgood Marshall College Fund
President speaking to the camera: And we have that for you, its important now more than ever because we need
Students walking in a hallway: Diverse talent in this county
President speaking to the camera: It’s been a lot of studies, a lot of research out there saying that those companies that thrive are those companies that are diverse
President speaking to a large audience: And when you’re looking for talent you go to the talent source
Students shown on stage, student smiling at another student, student shown on stage again: And HBCUs have been
Students are waving to the camera, people smiling at the camera: that body of institutions
Students on stage: that you can go to
President speaking to the camera: Different backgrounds, different perspectives, different viewpoints, so our students get a career, and the employees get a potential 30-year employee, we can’t do this work, without you! We need you because you are changing the lives of students, those donations that we get, they matter, thank you!
Screen shows Thurgood’s and America’s Charities Logo and their CFC #11691

Thurgood Marshall College Fund
CFC Number

Cause Area