Sam had come home drunk, and Allison was in the bathroom with their child. He quickly became angry and threw her into the shower and started punching her in the face. He yelled for their roommate to come and get the child and since the roommate owned the property, he told him to throw Allison out and not let her return. The child was screaming and crying, and Allison grabbed him and ran out the door. Once she was in a safe place, she called our crisis line seeking safe shelter for her and her two-year-old son. Allison received, case management, counseling, court advocacy, and all basic needs. Allison was able to get clothing from Turning Point’s Second Chance Boutique, because like so many survivors, they had literally escaped with nothing except the clothes they were wearing.
Turning Point’s Court Advocate helped Allison create a safety plan and she received group and individual counseling. Our Case Manager worked with Allison on her goals to become self-sufficient and move into a safe home of her own. Allison attended SPCC’s work readiness classes, applied for child support, applied for food and childcare services through DSS and once she had her child in daycare, she got a full-time job and started saving her money so she could finally fulfill her dream of moving out on her own.
Allison decided not to stay in Union County and moved to a different county to ensure her safety. She was able to transfer her job to a town where she had found affordable housing and childcare for her son. Turning Point provided Allison with financial assistance for her security and utility deposits.
Allison continues to live violence-free and is forever grateful for all the support, resources, and assistance she received from Turning Point. In Allison’s own words, “I am forever grateful for all the assistance and loving support from the staff. I had no idea that there were people that really cared and did everything they could to help others.”
Turning Point, Inc.
Turning Point, Inc.
Allison's Story
Photo Credit
DreamsTime Photos
Turning Point, Inc.
CFC Number