The Whole Horse Place

The Whole Horse Place


The Whole Horse Place

My name is Josh and this is my wife Allie and my horse Chico. Um, about a year and a half ago, I came out here to volunteer. I needed some help mental, mental health wise. I'm a veteran with diagnosed PTSD. I had a counselor that told me that this would probably be one of the best things for me to bond with a horse and be able to take care of my own mental health.

I've been doing this for about a year and a half now. And over that period of time, I started taking care of this guy right here. Chico. He also had a physical disability and together we have kind of grown and healed together. Um, The Whole Horse Place has done more for me than really any doctors, medications, or counselors I've ever been before.

And like I said, my counselor, would admit that to themselves and I would, you know, I'd recommend anyone, anyone that needs to actually get out of themselves , get out of their heads and learn to start living life again, to work with one of these animals because it's been the best thing that's ever happened for me.

Thank you very much.

The Whole Horse Place
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