Hawai'i-Pacific Area CFC

Map of Hawaii CFCThe CFC allows employees to give to local, national and international charities. Our local campaign of Hawai'i-Pacific includes the state of Hawai'i, Guam, Northern Mariana Island, and American Samoa. Campaign workers may only solicit contributions from Federal employees whose official duty station is located within these geographic boundaries and retirees who reside in the area.

2023 CFC Hawai'i-Pacific LFCC

Each of the 36 local CFC zones is governed by a Local Federal Coordinating Committee (LFCC). An LFCC is comprised of Federal employees and, whenever possible, members of local Federal inter-agency organizations, such as Federal Executive Boards, Federal Executive Associations or, in the absence of such organizations, self-organized associations of local Federal officials. LFCCs are overseen by OPM and must comply with CFC regulations and guidance memoranda, as well as meet the deadlines in the CFC calendar. LFCCs serve as a board of directors for the campaign zone. LFCCs are responsible for selecting an Outreach Coordinator (OC) to implement the CFC in the local zone and monitoring their work.


LtGen William M. Jurney
Fleet Marine Forces Pacific
LFCC Chair

Major Grace A. Irvin
Marine Corps Forces Pacific
Campaign Director

Ms. Colby Stanton
Honolulu-Pacific Federal Executive Board (FEB) Director
LFCC Co-Chair