Mississippi Delta/Gulf Coastal Plains CFC

Map of the Mississippi Delta/Gulf Coastal Plains CFC countiesThe CFC allows employees to give to local, national and international charities. Our local campaign of Mississippi Delta/Gulf Coastal Plains includes the entire state of Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi; and several counties in Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Texas. Campaign workers may only solicit contributions from federal employees whose official duty station is located within these geographic boundaries and retirees who reside there.

Arkansas: the entire state of Arkansas;

Louisiana: the entire state of Louisiana;

Mississippi: the entire state of Mississippi;

Oklahoma: McCurtain County in Oklahoma;

Tennessee: Fayette, Lauderdale, Shelby, and Tipton Counties in Tennessee; and

Texas: Red River, Morris, Cass, and Bowie Counties in Texas.


2023 Mississippi Delta/Gulf Coastal Plains Local Federal Coordinating Committee (LFCC)

The LFCC is comprised of local Federal officials from across the zone. These individuals serve as our campaign’s governing body, providing year-round leadership and governance support to their local campaign.

LFCC Chair
Cynthia Wallace

Internal Revenue Service

FEB Executive Director
Theresa Trentacoste

New Orleans Federal Executive Board

Laura Anderson
U.S. Department of Agriculture

Caroline Ashe
Internal Revenue Service

Sandra Canale
U.S. Secret Service

Nique Carrington
Small Business Administration

Pamela Covington
NASA - Stennis Space Center

Antonella DiMatteo
U.S. Secret Service

Janice Flynt
U.S. Secret Service

Victoria Garcia
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

Jessica Lee
Housing and Urban Development

Frank Ma
Social Security Hearings and Appeals Office

Jacqueline Mallory
Internal Revenue Service

Eric McKisick
Social Security Administration

Nadine Pugh
Internal Revenue Service

Mary L Ray
Internal Revenue Service

Brianna Sandifer
U.S. Department of Agriculture

MSgt. Courtney Smiling
Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS)

Adrenace Williams
Department of Housing and Urban Development

The CFC is successful because of their unwavering leadership and support. Thank You LFCC Members!

Outreach Coordinator (OC) MP May, Inc.

The OC is contracted by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to conduct marketing, outreach, education, training, and event coordination for the local campaign.

Michele Werner
Account Manager
[email protected]

Antonia Gonzalez
Southern Area Director
[email protected]

Mike May
Chief Executive Officer
[email protected]

Jennifer Howard
VP/ Chief Operations Officer
[email protected]

Courtney Placke
Executive Administrator
[email protected]