Extra-Ordinary Birthdays

Extra-Ordinary Birthdays


Extra-Ordinary Birthdays Overview

This video is an overview of the general service provided by Extra-Ordinary Birthdays. Extra-Ordinary Birthday’s mission is to transform the lives of homeless children by creating personalized birthdays that make them feel valued and inspire moments of delight in their lives.

Video Script:
Extra-Ordinary Birthdays is making a difference in the lives of children experiencing homelessness through personalized birthday celebrations curated just for them! These celebrations bring them joy, hope, and a feeling of self-worth that every child deserves to experience.

From the gifts on their wishlist to games, snacks, and custom décor, we let them know that their life matters. And oh, let’s not forget the cake, because what’s a birthday celebration without cake?

For more information about Extra-Ordinary Birthdays, visit extraordinarybirthdays.org.

Extra-Ordinary Birthdays
CFC Number

Charity Type

Cause Area

Cause of the Week