Special Olympics Hawaii

The video that is being submitted for the CFC Virtual Charity Fair is a one-minute compilation video consisting of footage of athletes participating in Special Olympics Hawaii programs.

The video begins a pan view of the Les Murakami Stadium located on Oahu, Hawaii, where our opening ceremonies for the State Games takes place.

Six Special Olympics Hawaii athletes then appear on the screen, each saying a portion of the Special
Olympics Oath, “Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.”

The video then proceeds to show clips of athletes participating in different sports; soccer, bocce, shot put, track, powerlifting, softball, swimming, and basketball.

The video shifts into highlights of our health programs and shows images of athletes receiving free health screenings and a video of athletes participating in Zoom workouts.

After the health highlights, the video showcases Athlete Leaders giving public speeches.

The video then proceeds to show images of our Young Athletes event with athletes between the ages of 2 and 5.

The video wraps up with clips of athletes making shakas and waving to the cameras. There is a clip of a team huddle which transitions to the special Olympics logo and website.

Video ends.
CFC Number

Charity Type

Cause of the Week