LUNGevity Foundation

LUNGevity Foundation

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Kat for Breathe Deep

For Kat Adelufosi, October 24th marked a day that changed her life: stage IV lung cancer. Despite having never smoked, Kat was thrust into an unfamiliar world and found hope, community, and strength with LUNGevity Foundation.

"Seeing others, five, six, seven plus years into diagnosis and living vibrantly shattered my preconceptions about living with cancer," Kat shares. Bolstered by this supportive community, she's now championing lung cancer awareness with "Team Joy" at Breathe Deep TOGETHER this November 4.

LUNGevity Foundation is committed to transforming how people live with lung cancer with an unwavering dedication to advancing detection and treatment and providing free education and support services. Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to our generous donors and supporters, for it is through your continued commitment and belief in our mission that we can make transformative strides in the lives of those affected by lung cancer.

Inhale For Life

We inhale 8,409,600 times a year. 1 in 16 of us will get lung cancer. A lung cancer diagnosis left little hope. No longer. 16 new lung cancer treatments approved in the last 3 years. New methods emerging for early detection. Inhale for life.

KNOWING about lung cancer could save your life—or the life of someone you love.

Help us raise awareness. Stay informed. Together, we can create a world where no one dies of lung cancer.


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