Federal Employees

Federal employees represent a strong, caring community through the CFC, dedicated to making a difference for those in need. 

The CFC offers the Federal community the opportunity to donate to thousands of participating charities. Here's how it works:

Red outline of a heartChoose your cause.

Whether you care about finding cures for diseases, supporting military families, or promoting equality for all, the CFC has vetted charities for any cause you are passionate about. You can even give to multiple charities with one pledge.

Red box with a checkmark insideMake your pledge.

GIVE Happy by donating a little from each paycheck or pledging a few volunteer hours a month. It adds up to so much happiness when we give together.

Our favorite giving option, the online pledge portal, allows you to easily renew your pledge each year and offers the full range of pledge options:

  • Payroll deduction (the most popular!)
  • Credit/debit card
  • E-check/bank transfer
  • Volunteer hours (Federal employees only)

Other options include the CFC Giving Mobile App and paper pledge forms.

Red outlined smiley faceGet happy.

Studies show that when you GIVE HAPPY, you get happy too!