Signal Centers, Inc.

Signal Centers, Inc.

Andrew Manis finds his voice
Photo Caption
Child with brown curly hair sitting at a table with his mother. His mother is wearing a purple shirt and reaching out to poke him to make him laugh. There is an alternative communication device sitting on the table between them.

Andrew came to Signal Centers with very limited communication. Our teachers and volunteer, Molly Littleton, taught him to use an assistive communication device called Language Acquisition through Motor Planning (LAMP). Our team then partnered with the Civitan Club to purchase a device for Andrew so that he could have one of his own to use both at home and at school.

Now, Andrew is using his device to communicate throughout the day and can express his needs, wants, thoughts and feelings. We know that for Andrew, being able to clearly communicate will make all the difference once he enters Kindergarten this fall.

Jennifer Nichols talks about her experience at Signal Centers.

I'm Jennifer Nichols. I was a student at Signal Centers starting from 1981 to 1986 and now I'm actually on the board of Signal Centers so my journey has kind of come full circle. I was born three months premature and have cerebral palsy. So, the doctors didn't know if I'd be able to hold a pencil, or if i'd be able to talk. At Signal Centers, I had physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy. I got taught how to drive a power wheel chair at two years old when everybody thought my teacher was crazy, like, Jennifer's not going to be able to drive a power chair to, you know, just learning that even though I had challenges that I was a normal kid, and they were going to figure out ways to help me overcome those challenges even at a young age. And I think Signal Centers is just so important to do that mission because they care.

Signal Centers, Inc.
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