Submit Resources to the Virtual Charity Fair

What is the VCF? As part of the continuing effort to connect Federal employees and retirees to the causes they care about through the CFC and to make CFC charities more visible to the Federal community, the CFC hosts a VCF to include videos and stories/photos. Viewers can filter by charity name, CFC number, cause area, charity type (i.e., local, national, or international), and if local, by CFC zone. 

How do I submit? Click the button below. Submit your story or video at any time during the campaign season. There is no deadline. 

Virtual Charity Fair Submission Button

The video and story/photo you submit will now appear together on one charity page along with your charity's listing statement, charity logo, CFC number, charity type, and cause area. 

You can submit a story and photo AND/OR a video (you don't have to submit both).

If you do plan to submit a video, it must meet the following requirements to be accessible to all viewers:

  • Must be MP4 format
  • No more than 60 seconds in length
  • MUST have captions/subtitles embedded in the video (there are several easy-to-use online resources to help you caption your video)
  • A transcript of all spoken words and scenes must be provided in the "transcript" section below
  • No more than 50 MB

What if my organization doesn't have a video (or doesn't have one that meets the requirements)? You CAN submit just a story/photo, you do not have to submit a video. But, it can be fairly easy to create a video. Learn how to create a compelling CFC Video using just a Smartphone. Or you could create a video of photos set to music or voice-over using PPT. Keep in mind that videos must be 60 seconds or less, be captioned, and comply with the standards in section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. Read more about Video Compliance.