Blue Ridge Cat Rescue Alliance, Inc.

Blue Ridge Cat Rescue Alliance, Inc.


Blue Ridge Cat Rescue Alliance, Inc.

All volunteer rescue.
Counting cats to fix.
Custom built shed.
Rescued during snowfall.
Bonded sisters.
The clone litter.
Rescued from shopping mall.
The candy litter.
Cured of dry FIP!
Rescued from car sales center.
Rescued from hoarding case.
Found roadside with injured leg.
Found abandoned in town.
Found in horse stable.
The power plant litter.
Rescued from wooded lot.
Rescued community kittens.
Colony cat needed a dental.
Happy to be safe indoors!
Partial tail amputation.
Wrist fusion and wet FIP cured!
Feeling good!
Rescued from farm.
Eye ulcer recovery.
Love his face!
Heart marking.
Entropion (ingrown eye lash) surgery.
We love what we do!
Please support our mission.

Blue Ridge Cat Rescue Alliance, Inc.
CFC Number

Charity Type

Cause Area

Cause of the Week