Don't Forget to Post Happy!

A post it note sits on top of a notebook with the message "Post Happy with us!" written on itLooking for a fun way to engage your colleagues and encourage them to GIVE HAPPY? Here’s a challenge you can pose!  

Grab your nearest sticky pad and write out three motivational messages. “You can do it!” “Your gift makes a difference!” “You are capable of the impossible!” are all great examples of messages.

Then, stick them on three colleagues’ desks, “tagging” them and inviting them to pass it on – just don’t forget to invite them to GIVE HAPPY at, too! 

Working in a digital environment? Take a photo of or download your favorite motivational message, and send it to colleagues through Teams or email! Better yet, post it on social media with your agency, and the CFC will cross-promote it! 

Need more help getting the word out and getting the chain reaction of positivity going? Use the email templates, social media templatesample posts, splash screen, and flyer! to help share how you and your colleagues can POST HAPPY, and GIVE HAPPY. 

Date of Event